Friday, 25 November 2016

Definition of Asthma and the Drugs Associated

Asthma which is actually pronounced as ‘Aaz-ma’ is a chronic respiratory condition wherein the airways which lead to the lungs become inflamed and tapered. It may result in a grave and incurable condition if left untreated. Asthma leads to reoccurring and persistent wheezing, i.e., a whistling noise while breathing, breathlessness, tightness in the chest, and coughing. Asthma cough generally occurs early in the morning or at night. The inner walls of the airways are inflamed, swollen and red. This inflamed swelling makes the airways exceptionally sensitive to irritants and escalates the vulnerability to an allergic reaction; also the inflammation lets very little air pass through them. Asthma affects people of all ages, although more often than not it starts during childhood. According to a survey, in the United States, more than 25 million people are suffering from asthma and of which approximately 7 million are children. Although it depends from person to person, there are plenty of environmental factors which trigger such as cold air, smoke, and various other allergens like dust mites, pollen, and infections. The wheezing starts when the chemicals present in the lungs dramatize with the cold air or dust mites.

Long lasting and prevention control measures are vital in arresting asthma attacks prior to them starting. The treatment generally comprises of learning to acknowledge your triggers, taking precautions to prevent them and keeping tab on the breathing pattern to make sure that the daily dose of asthma medications are keeping the symptoms under check. The appropriate medications for asthma depend on several factors such as age, symptoms, asthma triggers and what works best to control it. Preventive and lasting medications can control the inflammation in the airways which lead to the lungs. Quick-relief inhalers (bronchodilators) rapidly open-up the inflamed and swollen airways which are obstructing the breathing. Moreover, in certain cases allergy medications are needed. One must jot down an asthma action plan after consulting the doctor such as the dosages, symptoms, and list-down triggers and the necessary steps to avoid them.

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